Hype. It’s a word synonymous with 10mm Auto. Developed by Col. Jeff Cooper, carried by Sonny Crockett, known in the firearms fraternity as “the cartridge the FBI couldn’t handle,” 10mm Auto has achieved near mythological status. If everything on the interwebz is to be believed (tip: it’s not) the 10mm auto was so powerful it was putting petite FBI agents on disability. To separate fact from friction [sic], I contacted Glock to get a full-size G20, deep diving into the veiled world of 10mm auto aficionados. First things first . . .
This will not be an evaluation from a concealed-carry perspective. It’s a full-sized gun, in a full-sized chambering, and I am not interested in how well I can conceal it under a jacket. I am approaching this test as an evaluation from the perspective of a handgun hunter.